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Energy Answers Today

The Gas Utilities Want Your Customers to Convert.
Combat Their Claims With Energy Answers Today

The gas utilities are taking aim at your industry, using current market conditions to aggressively promote home heating system conversions. PriMedia has the tools NOW for you to reach your customers directly and respond to the utilities' claims. 
Energy Answers TodayIntroducing Energy Answers Today - the source for Oilheat customers who have questions and concerns about making the right energy choice. The Energy Answers Today brochure and billing insert explain the exorbitant costs involved in a system conversion ... discuss the immediate savings with equipment upgrades ... clarify the health and environmental hazards of utility gas ... and outline the safety, service, and technological advances offered by todays modern Oilheat. They also direct your customers to learn more at the campaign's Web site,
Used together, the Energy Answers Today program brochure, billing insert and Web site will educate your customers with the facts before they are contacted by the gas utilities, and will remind them that they've made the right energy choice for their home and family. 
These cost-effective brochures and billing inserts are perfect for including with your monthly statements, attaching to your delivery slips, and having on hand for anyone on your staff to use to answer customer calls and requests.
All items are sold in packs of 100.
Your final order must include at least 3 packs, which can include any combination of products.
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Energy Answers Today Brochure
Energy Answers Today Brochure